Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Couple of Observations on Hillary

John Cole and Andrew Sullivan had a few comments on the Nevada debate Tuesday evening that moved me a bit to express my own comments:

I am fascinated by her because she has become the loathesome Doppleganger of her odious spouse. She herself is slowly morphing into a Manichaen daemon of pure evil, a sort of Darth Mutter [or Mudder?] of the dark side of the Force.

Hillary and her husband have turned the bald-faced public spectacular lie into an art form. She hasn’t a scintilla of shame or an ounce of compunction when she concocts or repeats whatever might advance her interests or destroy her opponents, regardless of the truth or accuracy of what she’s saying.

Pandering is where she excels the most in the fine gradations of saying what will get her votes. She probably picked up this particular skill-set on promising to do what she perceives the particular interest group or ethnic/gender/sex-orientation subset she is wooing from her husband/spouse/collaborator-in-chief. He never hesitates to change the record or lie openly about his own record & achievements & felony/misdemeanors. It’s what he does.

And going to the videotape or soundtrack doesn’t make him miss a beat, as he will explain how his mental reservations or jesuitical special exemptions from law & morality [he learned well from the Jesuits at Georgetown during his undergrad years] make him immune from the normal constraints that limit politicians or public figures.

He is the world’s best and biggest liar and she seems an avid student who may well surpass him someday if she is elected POTUS.

Her high negatives among those polled are probably because I may reflect the feelings of a large plurality of American voters. If the Democrats nominate her for the '08 campaign on the top of their ticket, I have a hunch she might drag the ticket into the losing column.

Just a hunch.

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