Friday, January 18, 2008

Bubba Clinton Bubbles Over More Often

The New York Times has now legitimized one of those dirty little secrets the reporters who are not certified Clinton Inc. satellites have been itching to write about.
After weeks of complaining publicly about Barack Obama’s record, the news media’s coverage of the Democratic presidential race, or both, Mr. Clinton on Wednesday ripped into a television reporter who had asked him about a Nevada lawsuit concerning participation in the state’s caucuses this Saturday. Mr. Clinton believed the question had seemed sympathetic to Mr. Obama’s stakes in the suit, Clinton campaign officials said.

Seen in the light of a Clinton Inc. reporter's public accusation of Mitt Romney in S.C., the tepid and tentative question elicited a volcanic response, allowing a glimpse into the mental instability chronic liar Bubba has faced all his lifetime. As the ACOA and chronic sex addict that he is, despite Clinton Inc. outliers like David Gergen and George Stephanopoulos to the contrary, the press are beginning to look like they'd like to goad him into headline-making fury.
His so-called “purple fits” and “earthquakes” have been a constant to those who have worked with him. Some have dealt with it by avoiding him, others by simply responding with silence. One senior White House aide, George Stephanopoulos, who was often a target of Mr. Clinton’s fury, has written of taking an antidepressant because the vicissitudes of the job were so intense.

Mr. Clinton has reflected on his temper over the years, perhaps most revealingly in his autobiography. At one point in it, he recalls a day in junior high school when he hit a boy who had been taunting him. It was a moment from which he came to draw lessons.

“I was a little disturbed by my anger, the currents of which would prove deeper and stronger in the years ahead,” Mr. Clinton wrote. “Because of the way Daddy behaved when he was angry and drunk, I associated anger with being out of control and I was determined not to lose control. Doing so could unleash the deeper, constant anger I kept locked away because I didn’t know where it came from.”

Despite his brilliance and achievement-filled life, Bubba knows that he doesn't know who his real daddy is---his promiscuous mother played around while her husband was still in Italy during WWII. David Maraniss, the author of First in His Class almost had a career-ending blackball for bringing up the sensitive subject of Bubba's bastardy. And Maraniss's wide-ranging brilliant biographical work earned him a PTS ["potential trouble source" in Scientology jargon] marker that he has spent years in the penalty box writing on sports and other relative trivia.

The Clinton Inc. "Politics of Personal Destruction" extends to journalists. Hence, hacks like the AP Johnson suck-up in South Carolina earn brownie-point gold stars for calling Hillary's reaction to a campaign office HQ in NH "spectacular," while earning additional merit badges for attacking Republican Romney in public for alleged mistruths.

America has been infected with Clinton Inc. machinery that matches Scientology in its take-no-prisoners approach---a vast center-left conspiracy that makes any close examination of the Clintons' past felonies and misdemeanors culpable and subject to early punishment if the dynamic duo returns to the White House.

Ask David Maraniss about his latest book on the Green Bay Packers. He ain't gonna get another big buck-advance for political books this lifetime.

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