Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Washington Post reports on the sad fate of the American "peace activist" who was tortured and murdered.

His Christian Peacemaker Teams sponsor blames, who else?, the USA for his terrible fate.
"We believe that the root cause of the abduction of our colleagues is the U.S.- and British-led invasion and occupation of Iraq."

Sadly, these delusional nitwits are unaware that the real reason for the abduction and murder of their colleague lies in the fact that he was a "human shield" who was there merely to satisfy his own misguided naive self-absorbed nitwittery.

Gina Cobb notes:
"Ironically, the torture victim, Tom Fox, 54, of Clear Brook, Va., was a member of the very same group of Christian Peacemaker Teams that went to Iraq to investigate allegations that U.S. and Iraqi forces had abused detainees.

But now Doug Pritchard and Carol Rose, leaders of the same activist organization, are calling for the terrorists not to be "vilified" or "demonized" for the death of Tom Fox."

Cobb points out the slight imbalance in Pritchard's mental state:
The United States of America and the fledgling democracy of Iraq get all sorts of "vilification" and "demonization" from "peacemaker" Doug Pritchard. Here are two examples:

"We were the first to publicly denounce the torture of the Iraqi people held by occupation forces," CPT co-director Doug Pritchard told the BBC. (BBC News, 11/30/05)

"Much of the goodwill that came with the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime has been thrown away by the brutality of the US occupation,” said Doug Pritchard, co-director of Christian Peacemaker Teams . . . . (Ekklesia, 1/17/06)

That's right. This bunch of activists have no problem with vilifying and demonizing the United States by claiming that it "tortures" the "Iraqi people" and is engaging in "brutality" and "occupation."

Cobb finally asks these Kierkegaardian half-wits to do the following:
let's learn to distinguish between genuine evil and basic decency with room for improvement.

Attempts to embarrass detainees at Abu Ghraib by U.S. soldiers who were subsequently court-martialed and penalized for it: Basic decency with room for improvement.
Kidnapping innocent civilians off a Baghdad street, releasing a threatening video, torturing and killing one of the civilians and throwing his body in the street: Genuine evil.

I believe that the feckless nincompoops and hypocrites at CPT should examine their own premises before blaming the USA for the torture-death of their hapless hostage to fortune.

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