Thursday, March 23, 2006

FCAT to the Rescue: Throw the Teachers Unions Out!

The Judicial Tyranny run by the Gang of Nine in the Florida State Supreme Court, a left-wing organization promptly overruled by the SCOTUS in 2000 when the FSSC tried to hijack the US Constitution, has committed another crime against sanity and education.

The corrupt Teachers' Unions in this sorry state want a monopoly on education, so all the students can be as stupid and unaccountable as the unionized dolts running the public schools. People looking out long term understand that the public school system does not exist for the teachers, but for the STUDENTS!

George Will in today's Washington Post has a sensible column outlining how when the Florida State House and Senates both went overwhelmingly Republican in the last few years, the courts were the last bastion of leftist nonsense on education which preaches socialization over education. The Three "R's" are neglected while indoctrination into leftist "principles" [which of course is that there are no principles!]

Will explains how the preposterous seven Democratic scofflaws on the FSSC subverted the intent of the legislators who drew up the law concerning "uniform education."
And even though there is no evidence that the drafters of the constitution's language or the public that ratified it thought it meant what the Supreme Court now says it means -- that in providing quality education, the state must enforce a public school monopoly on state funds. Actually, the legislature's committee that drafted the "uniform" language rejected a proposal to prohibit vouchers.

The court's ruling was a crashing non sequitur: that the public duty to provide something (quality education) entails a prohibition against providing it in a particular way (utilizing successful private educational institutions). The court's ruling was neither constitutional law nor out of character, and it illustrates why the composition of courts has become such a contentious political issue.

This court last seized the nation's attention when, after the 2000 election, it acted legislatively, rewriting state election laws in ways helpful to Al Gore's attempt to erase George W. Bush's slender lead. Back then, all the court's seven members had been nominated by Democratic governors. Since then, the court has acquired two justices nominated by Gov. Bush. They were the two dissenters from the court's "uniformity" ruling. Elections can slowly turn tides.

Florida is slowly going further and further back to sanity after post-modernist dogma attempted to detach the state from the US Constitution. As long as the citizens of Florida keep their wits about them, eventually they can vote so that the dead hand of totalitarian uniformity will loosen its grip.

Vouchers have got to come to the SCOTUS and be ruled constitutional. Will ends up:
The children and parents at the table were black. None were Republicans. The NAACP, as usual, is in lock step with the Democratic Party, which is in lock step with the teachers unions.

As Voltaire said about the Church, we can now repeat concerning ultra-leftist judicial tyranny: Erasez l'infame!

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