Monday, March 13, 2006

NYT gets it right, then flubs up again.

The New York Times has a piece on GWB's evolution toward globalization. Stripped of the usual sanctimonious, prissy, obligatory spin toward nanny-spank, the David Sanger article is positive in substance:
His new theme is different, because it is all about interdependence. Two of his aides say the near defeat of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in Congress last summer — it passed by one vote, after arm-twisting by the president brought just enough Republicans back into the fold — jolted Mr. Bush into recognizing a new retreat from the world by his own party.

For the State of the Union address, Mr. Bush instructed his speechwriters to make global engagement a major theme, a big change for a man who ran in 2000 under the banner of a "humble foreign policy." In the speech, he warned that "the road of isolationism and protectionism may seem broad and inviting — yet it ends in danger and decline."

Strata-sphere has an excellent Ayrab-phobia Continues its Ugly March condemning Congress's headlong rush to protectionist, xenophobic, racial-profiling chauvinism.
Of course, it wouldn't be an NYT article without at least one laughably ridiculous ignorant piece of disinformation. Sanger is a member of the MSM media nomenklatura, so his nonsensical description of William Buckley as a neo-conservative is par for leftish agitprop.

Tom Maguire catalogues many facets of Sanger's silliness, as does the Corner.

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