Friday, March 17, 2006

More Blarney from Gore: Irish Gene at Work?

World Champion Blarney Champ the Gorebot knows that nothing makes a good story better than adding a tinge of blarney [syn: BS] to the tale, so the chronic exaggerator tells audiences now that the Grover Norquist crowd is enthusiastic about his Chicken Little ravings on Global Warming.

That would be even more interesting if it were true, but the WaPo, no enemy of the Gorebot, demurs slightly from Al's effusions under the headline: "Al, Al -- You Gotta Count Carefully"
So just how moved were conservatives by Al Gore's global-warming slide show? While energetically flacking his new documentary at a convention of theater owners in Vegas Monday, Gore told a story about the warm reception he got at a Grover Norquist breakfast gathering here in January. In Variety's account of the speech, Gore said that D.C. conservatives "stood up afterward and said, 'You're absolutely right.' "
How many conservatives? Three people at the convention tell us Gore left the distinct impression he received multiple kudos, "many" in Variety's telling. That got a chuckle from the breakfast club, whose members recall a polite response but only one attendee approaching Gore with praise. Gore's people deny any hyperbole, saying he never claimed more than one enviro-conversion at the meal and may have been misquoted. His documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," hits theaters in May.

Knowing Al, he was hallucinating fiercely during the DC breakfast and IMAGINED that a crowd of grateful conservatives swarmed him after his talk. They probably complimented him on his invention of the internet too, while they were paying homage to him IN HIS OWN MIND!

Like a couple of other possible Dem candidates,[add Feingold to the mix] Gore shares a "massive miscalculation at the expense of his party" gene. Or maybe it's just a "lack of any accountability" gene. Unfortunately, VEEP Cheney occasionally seems to share the same geneological political heritage.

Like a Whack-A-Mole, Al and Russ and Hillary and Dick will keep coming back after making fools of themselves in public. But you gotta whack 'em all the same! Unlike the fumbling agitprop NYT, an organ which confuses orthodoxy with rectitude, the WaPo dutifully points out excesses on BOTH SIDES.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Al Gore never quits "misinterpreting" the truth. Whoever let him put his name on a movie is just asking not to be taken seriously. I can't wait to see this movie... it should be good for a laugh.