Monday, March 13, 2006

Puhleez listen to GC and Nominate a Liberal!

Lloyd Grove who back when I knew him in D.C. was bald as a cue ball [check his photo now!] quotes narcissism's new poster boy George Clooney. Metaphorically, GC gives the Italian Salute to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Edwards, and other Dems who voted to back GWB into supporting the war: Of course, there is always the hermaphroditic John Kerry, who voted for and then against it. Wonder what pundit George thinks about JKerry and whether he supported him in '04. And again in '08!?!
Maybe we'll get another shot at prying those JK military records out of sequestration? How to get three Purple Hearts without being wounded? A liberal art!

Of course, only a delirious Republican dreamer can hope that the Democrats herd-like follow GC back into the moral jungle of discredited liberalism. John Conyers for Veep, everybody!

Bingo! That's the ticket!

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