Friday, March 17, 2006

Saddam & Al Qaeda Documents Revealed: MSM ignores reality again.

The Damage Limitation Squads on the Left are already scurrying back into the woodwork after a bunch of caveats, disclaimers, pre-emptive assumptions and warnings about declassified documents indicating that ObL and Saddam's regime may have had significant communications and perhaps cooperation agreements before 9/11.

The stash of documents are Iraqi intelligence material posted on a Pentagon website.

If the news that the Iraqi government and Al Qaeda were in contact before 9/11 compares with the news that Iraq had WMD up until shortly before the US invasion published in the new book Cobra II, THE EXEMPT LIBERAL-BIASED MSM AND LIBERAL BLOGGERS WILL SIMPLY IGNORE THE FACTS AND CONTINUE THEIR CAMPAIGN TO DISCREDIT BUSH BY LIES, DISTORTIONS, DISINFORMATION AND ALL OTHER MEANS POSSIBLE.

Go check it out for yourself, because you won't read about it in the NYT, LAT, or the major networks, except in highly distorted and disclaimer-ridden Orwellspeak.

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