Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Chief EFF-UP in Iraq L. Paul Bremer says Cobra II Authors

The Guardian has a story on the book Cobra II by Michael Gordon and Gen. Bernard Trainor. As is to be expected, the Guardian gets the British POV right, but leaves out all parts exonerating Bush, such as the discovery that Saddam had eliminated WMD. The Kossack Krowd is baying at the moon about the piece, ignoring the fact that the NYT, artfully burying the lede, does reveal Saddam kept secret from his top generals the fact that he had dispersed his arsenal of WMD.

So much for the "Bush lied" part on WMD. Another leftist mantra dissolved. Not that they won't stop chanting.

But on MSNBC Moore and Trainor in person told Chris Mathews something entirely different than the Guardian spin on their book [Surprise, surprise, the left can't get anything straight], namely that the rapid victory led to L. Paul Bremer's unilateral and autocratic decision to disband the Iraqi Army. The US Army, Condi Rice, Feith, and everybody else wanted the Iraqi forces intact so they would remain under control, but Bremer got Rumsfeld to agree to disband them without consulting anyone else. Former FSO Bremer imagined himself, Gen. Trainor believes, playing the Douglas MacArthur role as pro-Consul in Japan and lording it over an extended reign of nation-building. Bush, in his usual hands-off management style, did not demur at the move.

Now, in the post-mortem of the strategic mistake, Bremer's unilateral decision---LPB told Charlie Rose that he had no other choice as the army had decommissioned itself by mass desertion----could have been averted as US Gens had the Iraqi Army lists and could recall the deserters to their barracks with promises of US dollars. Eventually, too late as it turned out, this was done and the troops took the money and ran----back home.

According to Cobra II as described on MSNBC, everybody comes out of this debacle not smelling like a rose. Now that their WMD mantra is scotched, even the lefties will have to find some new ruse. But lies and fibs are easy to concoct.

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