Thursday, March 09, 2006

Litigious Florida Woman Sues because She Wants Privacy!

The Wall Street Journal's in-house satirist James Taranto has a piece in his on-line journal about a Palm Beach woman who claims "she is intensely private and can't help but feel stigmatized for needing medication to feel normal."

This woman who is terribly afraid she will be called "CrAzY" and a "psycho" gives an interview to the newspaper as well as having her lawyer and a therapist give long interviews to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel laying out the reasons for her lawsuit against Walgreens.

This "intensely private" person's describes her long battles with alcohol and drugs, her relapses, and hints strongly that she may be in AA, or some other rehab program. She did not ask to remain anonymous. I expect to see her on local TV explaining why the employees who thought she was a nut case are wrong! Get the following paragraph from the newspaper interview:
"employees would loudly call Karp's name and make reference to her medications. It would make Karp cringe."

"A person has the right to have whatever medications they're taking to be private," she said. "I'm so private that I never talk about my medications and now they're telling me that I'm psycho, crazy."

And you are so private that you are telling the world you aren't. How about the dog who barked too often? This new arrival from the Northeast US appears to have the same syndrome of many who fetch up down here from NY or New England. Blatantly money-grubbing gold-digger NE types sue if someone looks at them sideways down here.

Taranto took the rich material for satire in the way this "intensely private" person who appears ethically and socially challenged has managed to spread her story all over South Florida [and now via the WSJ, around the world] and reminded us of the following Monty Python skit:

(A number of men and women are sitting around in an area by the counter where there is a large sign saying "Dispensing Department." A cheerful chemist appears at the counter.)

Chemist: Right. I've got some of your prescriptions here. Er, who's got the pox? (nobody reacts) Come on, who's got the pox. Come on. (a man timidly puts his hand up.) There you go. (throws bottle to the man with his hand up) Who's got a boil on the bum--boil on the botty. (throws bottle to the only man standing up) Who's got the chest rash? (a woman with a large bosom puts up hand) Have to get a bigger bottle. Who's got wind? (throws bottle to a man sitting on his own) Catch.

(Caption on the screen:"THE CHEMIST SKETCH--AN APOLOGY")

Voiceover: The BBC would like to apologize for the poor quality of the writing in that sketch. It is not BBC policy to get easy laughs with words like bum, knickers, bony or wee-wees. (laughs off camera) Ssssh!

But I guess the "intensely private" Janey Karp doesn't mind outing herself to the world, while all the time howling in true victim fashion:


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