Sunday, March 19, 2006

Can Liberalism be Cured?

James Taranto keeps coming up with "you just can't make these things up" to show the shallow self-absorbed heedlessness of the academicide left.

Hyper-leftist Colby College has the whining moan of an aged loser who demonstrates how apt was Benjamin Franklin's comment "There's no fool like an old fool." One sentences lurches into the truth:
the Movement really is dead and faculties more settled and establishmentarian – but it is true that teachers are likely to be left of students, providing the delicious closet drama of conservative youth correcting reckless middle age.

Actually, in sclerotic France, the "Movement" now riots against allowing more young people jobs in an economy run by a hyper-regulated socialist death-grip. Daniel Cohn-Bendit now describes his "soixante-huitards" as the most selfish generation in history, fighting AGAINST freedom and for privileges [of those in jobs with total security, like the NEA and AFTA in the US has for teachers]. That's in the Financial Times, and you won't find any of Cohn-Bendit's reflections in the tabloid of the left NYT.

The doddering ex-prof shows the shallow silliness of his generation in full profile, so click the link and find out why this geezer believes "The best revenge is living well."

This gentleman reminds me of Twain's admonition: "Better to remain silent and let yourself be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Ex-Prof. Douglas Archibald certainly has removed any doubts about the curability of his malaise.

1 comment :

M said...

I hate to say, while I basically lean left, my professors were so wacked out in college, I almost became a conservative just to spite them.

And I thought Twain took that from the Bible.