Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama to Float Like A Butterfly, then what?

David Plouffe Will Bail Out Sinking Democratic Titanic

The NYT has an article trumpeting the return of David Plouffe to solve all those little problems of image and positioning that somehow caused a "loss of momentum" among Democrats.

Let’s face it. Public relations and process tweaking are all the substance-less Dems can do, in light of the excesses of their opaque Health Care kickbacks, bribes, and payoffs, after Obama promised "transparency on C-Span."

Let me see. Obama-Lite is going to be rebrewed as Obama-Dark Beer? And it ain’t banks or the SCOTUS the voters are angry about! It’s broken promises of transparency, profligate spending and the takeover of government by crazed union bands of SEIU thugs. If he doesn’t get his health demands, Andy Stern will pout and refuse to donate much to his kept mistresses, the DNC & DSCC & other pet Dem causes. No tickee, no laundry.

And again. Rebranding by Obama is going to turn around what is now incredible buyer’s remorse among independents and Dems of a blue dog stripe? Float like a butterfly, sting like a gypsy moth.

The Dems don’t understand the distrust of BIG GOVERNMENT inherent among the center-right US majority, and have been the stupid party for a good three-plus years, ever since they grabbed the House and Senate in ‘06. In '08, Obama simply gave the machine its chief traffic cop. Now he's threatening to actually become the Chief of Staff. What a leadership move!!!

Now he will demagogue on banks, but he is really after corporations given free speech—he is preaching class warfare which is the default position of libtards like himself. Go knock yo’sef out, Barack! You don’t have a clue…..

Now the latest stupid move after Scott Brown upset the Dems' takeover of the US economy by means of strictly-controlled corporatist cartels and the Dems' plan to destroy small businesses apparently will be that Obama is going to come out in the SOTU next week demagoging Wall Street. And the SCOTUS parenthetically.....

Let’s face it. Public relations and process tweaking are all the substance-less Dems can do—Obama-Lite is going to be rebrewed as Obama-Dark Beer? And it ain’t banks the voters are angry about! It’s broken promises of transparency, profligate spending and the takeover of government by crazed union bands of SEIU thugs. If he doesn’t get his health demands, Andy Stern will pout and refuse to donate much to his kept mistresses, the DNC & DSCC.

Rebranding by Obama is going to turn around what is now incredible buyer’s remorse among independents and Dems of a blue dog stripe? Float like a butterfly, sting like a gypsy moth.

And for the first time, I think Obama is almost consciously going to turn a disaster into a catastrophe for the Dems—or else he is simply suicidally stupid to demagogue Wall Street when it’s Big Government the majority of voters is terrified about.

And Obama is too remote and delusional to realize that the communities he organized are a mere one/tenth of the entire USA. And that ACORN is not a corporate person....!

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