Wednesday, January 27, 2010

MoDo in Love With Scott Brown,

MoDo A Capricorn, Fits with Fellow Earth Sign Scott Brown [Virgo]

It may or may not be the influence of the stars, but starstruck Maureen Dowd, who was described by former date Warren Beatty as "smokin' hot," in turn believes that Scott Brown may be, er, the New One.
He’s The One, all right.....The handsome, athletic pol with the comely wife and two lovely daughters who precipitously rose from the State Legislature to pull us all together.

The fresh face and disarming underdog America’s been waiting for, someone who suffered through his parents’ divorce, watched his mom go on welfare and survived some wayward youthful behavior to become disciplined and successful — a lawyer, a lawmaker and a devoted family guy who does dog duty. Someone who’s always game for a game of pickup basketball, loves talking sports and even boasts beefcake photos. A pro-choice phenom propelled into higher office by conservatives, independents and Democrats, a surprise winner with a magical aura.

The New One is the shimmering vessel that we are pouring all our hopes and dreams into after the grave disappointment of the Last One, Barack Obama.

The only question left is: Why isn’t Scott Brown delivering the State of the Union? He’s the Epic One we want to hear from. All that inexperience can really be put to good use here.

Obama’s Oneness has been one-upped. Why settle for a faux populist when we can have a real one? Why settle for gloomy populism when we can have sunny populism? Why settle for Ivy League cool when we can have Cosmo hot? Why settle for a professor who favors banks, pharmaceutical companies and profligate Democrats when we can have an Everyman who favors banks, pharmaceutical companies and profligate Republicans? Why settle for a 48-year-old, 6-foot-1, organic arugula when we can have a 50-year-old, 6-foot-2, double waffle with bacon?

Sounds a bit infatuated, but knowing MoDo and her swift tacks and direction turns, Scott Brown will be out of favor in her "Bringing Sexy Back" category when the dust settles.

She may melt her heart cuz she's smokin' hot,

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