Saturday, February 11, 2006


Looks like the American ultra-left has exported its Wal-Mart anti-capitalism campaign to the ever-gullible German lefties whose Social Democrats and Greens are still smarting from being ousted by Angela Merkel's selection as Kanzler.

Read my post last week about Target Targeting Wal-Mart for one speculative piece on where this campaign originated.

Oh, and if you think I might be overreacting to what might be called the iron law of success, namely, that the losers find a shibboleth around which to regroup and fight another day, you might be right.

But I note the respect/fear/loathing that the readers of The Democratic Daily have for Karl Rove, whom they accuse of leaving that mike on ON PURPOSE and then having Bush make statements on the NSA that were the same as those he made in public!

DAS San Diego Says:
February 10th, 2006 at 2:25 pm
I was listening to Ed Schultz today & he feels this has Karl Rove written all over it. He feels it was a set up because Bush simply stated some of the same things he has said in public. Maybe trying to show he is concerned and says the same thing in public as private? Trying to put on the impression that he can be trusted. What do you all think?

Pamela Leavey Says:
I would tend to agree with Ed. I actually sent this piece to Ed’s sound guy when I posted it. The story was fresh off the wires when I put it up. I heard Ed’s take on and agree whole heartedly. As a matter of fact, I’m going to update the piece and note what Ed said.

Pen Says:
It does indeed sound like another version of the rovian bait. Bush send reporters out acting like what he was going to say is private then speaks the spill that he always says and I’m sure he had that stupid smirk on his face to. I’m sure the media whores fell for it as always.

Pamela Leavey Says:
At least the media whore who wrote the AP piece had some sort of an inkling and thought it was odd.

Note the projection by Pamela Leavey about the "AP media whore." Yes, the loonie left is far loonier than Ann Coulter is on the loony right.

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