Monday, February 13, 2006


Wow! A little synchronicity at work!

Just after posting the previous blog on Ann Althouse and the Kos killer-bee swarm, I switched on the tube and there were the White House newsies in a collective hissy-fit buzz-swarm over another outrage against the American Constitution!

Yep, the hunting accident V.P. Cheney had this weekend was not on the airwaves for hours and hours after it occurred! The National Security implications of this flagrant disregard of the public's right-to-know are staggering!

Ha Ha! Just watching this swarm of exempt-media entitlement-drenched spoiled kiddies, including 80-year-old chronic drunk Helen Thomas, thrashing about in a sustained whine-fest reminded me why the national press is far lower in the polls and man-on-the-street esteem than politicians, and almost in the sub-basement with attorneys!

And BTW, where was the lefty MSM WH Press Corps after President Clinton broke a kneecap after midnight in PGA pro Greg Norman's palatial home? No questions about being drunk? Or who else was in the house? Or where was Hillary?

And what about the perpetually drunk Teddy Kennedy and the manslaughter he inflicted on Mary Jo Kopechne? Was there a rush to report and find out all the details on that fiasco? What? No blood-alcohol report? No intrepid journalistic investigative zeal a la Watergate a couple of years later?

Oh yeah. Remember Roger Mudd who lost his co-anchor job with Tom Brokaw after interviewing a drunken Ted Kennedy too vigorously and making him look like the fool he was, and still is, about taking on Jimmy Carter in 1980 and leaving the door open for Ronald Reagan to devastate the Democrats until today?

Roger got fired from that anchor job and ended up on the History Channel!

Don't think these White House Press {I almost said "media whores" like Pam Leavey on the Democratic Daily Blog} Reporters don't remember what happens if you get too objective or get a sudden attack of integrity while interviewing Democrats vigorously.

Gosh, I wonder whether there is a DOUBLE STANDARD somewhere concerning what is newsworthy [a hunting accident? by a Vice President?] Or a broken kneecap by a sitting president in the middle of the night?

By the way, David Gregory is obviously trying to get on The Daily Show. You can see it in his body language!

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