Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Clerks are Revolting!

Peggy Noonan has an excellent editorial piece on the pandemic nasty incompetence that the TSA displays at West Palm Beach Airport, where I often arrive and depart. Actually, the last time I used Ft. Lauderdale's air facilities the personnel were relatively kind and gentle. Must have been one of those rare days.

The funniest truest moment is the “Linfah” anecdote, as the Hispanics here in South Florida often flaunt their disdain for the English language in insulting ways, making themselves as incomprehensible as possible.

Another bell rung for me when I recalled how some of our English friends here at Boca complained about the rigorous fingerprinting and other "procedures" they were forced to endure each time they flew out of country, which was often because of business, and in one family, the illness of parents.

And these were civilized English, not the chronic complainers one encounters among other nationalities.

I wish Chertoff and other senior functionaries of the Bush Administration flew on commercial flights and had to endure some of the disrespectful ethnic hazing that Noonan points out!

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