Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cheney beset by "Spoiled Brat Media"

The redoubtable Thomas Sowell spanks the entitled-legacy exempt-media White House Press Corps as "spoiled brat media." Beating the wacko-left dead-horse on the Cheney accident one last time, here are a couple of choice observations on chimp-change showoffs like David Gregory, who spent the first twenty minutes each day this week on Chris Mathews' Hardball explaining how important he is. Sowell writes:

It was a classic example of a special interest demanding special privileges -- as if they were rights.
There is nothing in the Constitution or the laws that says that the media have a right to be in the White House at all, much less to have press conferences.
This has become a customary courtesy over the years, but courtesy is a two-way street, except for those in the media who act like spoiled brats, as if they have some inherent right to whatever serves their institutional, career, or ideological purposes.
The media love to wrap themselves in the mantle of "the public's right to know" but there is no such dedication to that right when it goes against the journalists' own prejudices.
The public's right to know what a "partial birth abortion" is has been consistently disregarded for years by whole networks, even when they have given wide coverage to abortion controversies. Whatever your position on abortions, you need to know what you are talking about but the media recognize no such "right to know."
If you knew, you might not agree with them.
The same journalists who used phony documents to attack President Bush's military service recognize no "right to know" why Senator John Kerry's honorable discharge is dated long after his service was over and during the Carter administration, when less than honorable discharges were allowed to be upgraded to honorable.
The "public's right to know" apparently extends only to such things as will not cause the public to reach conclusions different from those of the liberal media.
My favorite press secretary was Margaret Tutwiler, who treated reporters like misbehaving little boys, which is how they often acted. Nor were the reporters' antics due solely to personal boorishness.
They had before them the example of Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson, who reached the big time on TV by being snotty to Presidents. At the very least, White House correspondents can get more time on the tube by waxing indignant at what they choose to portray as violations of "the public's right to know" while the cameras are rolling.

Of course, you have to be a complete ignoramus not to know that clowns like Gregory and WaPo chimp Milbank ape Rather and Donaldson in order to rise in their liberal-run print and electronic networks. And the fact that fake-hero Kerry has not been held accountable for the extremely suspicious circumstances of his three Purple Hearts for one tiny scratch-wound HAT TRICK, nor the non-release of his military records to the media, demonstrates the completely fraudulent nature of the mainstream media.

The American MSM is about 93% pro-Democrat [which is the percentage of the Washington Press who voted for Clinton in '92] and should be listed as an UNREGISTERED LOBBYISTS or identified as a SPECIAL INTEREST and pay taxes like lobbyists and interest groups are obliged to pay.

The lack of popularity and the persistent bias against the media is largely unknown BECAUSE THE MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT!

The results of a three-year UCLA/U. of Missouri study prove incontestably that the top-20 media outlets in the USA have a median which lies around 70 on the ADA graph, meaning more liberal than most Democratic politicians are in their voting record. Instinctively, the American man-on-the-street mistrusts the left-leaning media, because the constant liberal MSM agitprop continues to openly politicize non-political issues. Most Americans realize that the mainstream media is out to get Bush, pure and simple, and has no real desire to investigate the constant peculations on the left, as the Harry Reid involvement with Abramoff demonstrates.

Sowell finishes off the pompous blowhards of the leftist MSM with the following broadside:
The media are so full of themselves -- among other things that they are full of -- that they act as if the government exists to provide them with something to publicize. The time is long overdue to put these people in their place. Where is Margaret Tutwiler when we need her?
The New York Times informs us solemnly that, if Mr. Whittington dies, there will be a grand jury investigation.
If Mr. Whittington is so uncooperative as not to die, there will be much disappointment and frustration in Beltway media circles.

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