Saturday, August 25, 2012

Obama Has Betrayed the Middle Class

The First Liar repeats endlessly how Romney/Ryan would hurt the middle class if elected. But the numbers on his own performance are damning. Here's what the policies of Owebama have done to the "99%." Or rather, the 45% of Americans who do pay taxes, leaving out the parasites who "live" on welfare & food stamps like tapeworms on the economy. Here's a Wall Street Journal piece fleshing out that real damage Owebama has done to the middle class. The link above has the chart.
New income data from the Census Bureau, tabulated by former Census income specialists at the nonpartisan economic consulting firm Sentier Research, reveal that the three-and-a-half years of the Obama Presidency have done enormous harm to middle-class households.

In January 2009, the month President Obama entered the Oval Office and shortly before he signed his stimulus spending bill, median household income was $54,983. By June 2012, it had tumbled to $50,964, adjusted for inflation. (See the chart nearby.) That's $4,019 in lost real income, a little less than a month's income every year.

Unfair, you say, because Mr. Obama inherited a recession? Well, even if you start the analysis when the recession ended in June 2009, the numbers are dismal. Three years after the economy hit its trough, median household income is down $2,544, or nearly 5%.

Add the authors: "The overall decline since June 2009 was larger than the 2.6 percent decline that occurred" during the recession from December 2007 to June 2009. For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession.

But Owebama's policies have been generous to the sitzfleish brigades of government "workers."
Mr. Obama also likes to say that government workers like teachers are hurting and the private economy is doing "just fine." But the data indicate that over the past three years households with government workers saw their incomes decline less than households with private workers. The public-private pay gap is now wider than ever ($77,998 government versus $63,800).

And the most loyal and stupidest slice of Owebama worshippers have suffered the most.
The new income data reveal other eye-opening trends. The group that has suffered the most during the Obama Presidency has been black Americans, whose real incomes have fallen by more than 11%.

And which president during the last century/millenium has done equal harm to the economy by applying equal economic policies? Anyone much over forty remembers how the peanut farming moron fudged up just about everything:
The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it's no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer's trick of the century.

Yes, that is how sad and bad Owebama has been. if he can con the indies into voting for him, he will truly be a magician and the American people will suffer four more years of decline.

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