Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jake Tapper on Owebama Agitprop Strategies

Jake is the only honest reporter on what's going on in the legacy network cabal against Romney. He quotes unnamed "officials" in Owebama's campaign staff on the strategy. One is a complete laffer. Read it and get an LOL:
“We have no reason to believe Gov. Romney won’t receive a bump from his convention,” an official said, noting that the average bounce for a challenger is 7 points. “Presumably he’ll get some benefit from that.” But since the president will be campaigning next week (including VP Biden in Tampa) “we have an almost instant ability to interdict whatever movement there is with our own and spontaneous rebuttal to whatever is done there.”

Yeah, Biden ought to keep the swing to Romney/Ryan from getting too large!?!

And Owebama is going to be campaigning and will be able to refute the Romney/Ryan message? How's that working so far?

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