Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Warns Cantor 'Don't Call My Bluff' As Debt Talks Stall

So Wham-Bam the Bungler lost it after a couple of hours. Looks like he took his marbles and left the playground while Cantor sat and watched him muttering imprecatio­ns. Plouffe & Co. took a few nanosecond­s to gild that episode with the Demonrat righteousn­ess that might forgive a momentary lapse of sanity on the Bammer and now the canonical version is a 'stern' admonition that there is a Friday deadline on the table.

This is Kabuki theater when you have a showman who keeps talking about corporate jets being exempt from taxes at the same time his silly stimulus extravagan­za kept the loophole in 2009 in order to stimulate American business travel. What a bogus dude we have as POTUS...!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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