Sunday, July 24, 2011

Gro Harlem Grundtlandt a "Country Killer?"

Much uglier in real life, Unless she was having an awful day

Gro sat across from me at a four-person lunch table at the Chicago Hilton some fifteen years ago during an event sponsored by Amoco. As I was the Political Risk analyst for Norway where Amoco owned or leased a platform in the North Sea, I sat at the table while speeches were given. If Gro gave one, she was not a memorable speaker and at the table uttered no more than five sentences to the people around her.

As a left-wing socialist and then-Prime Minister, I suspect that she considered herself in a den of thieves, but she also looked like a legendary troll that used to live under bridges to waylay innocent travellers. The fact that she was female was not readily apparent. I now understand that she is a member of the five-man [actually four women and one man] committee that makes the final selection of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, so the selection of a dunce like Obama after only a few months in the Presidency thus makes some sort of twisted perverse sense, if you can call it that.

She is as short and [frankly] ugly as Barbara Mikulski, Senator from Maryland and an acknowledged lez-bean. I wouldn't be surprised if the supremely unattractive Gro Grundland was victim of the same affliction.

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