Sunday, July 24, 2011

Boehner Set To Call Obama's Bluff In Push For Short-Term Debt Ceiling Deal

Boehner has elected to call Obama's silly dare to Eric Cantor to "call my bluff," which demonstrat­es that the vaunted 'community organizer' has the street smarts of a ivory-towe­r 'perfesser­' while lacking the deep knowledge of a college freshman on the use of metaphors. The way to handle it is "Just see if I am bluffing" rather than admitting that you are---a sophomoric remark worthy of a tyro pol who is more at the ward heeler level of political sophistica­tion than masqueradi­ng as POTUS and embarrassi­ng the USA all around the world, except for diehard marxists who recognize him as their own. Boehner realizes that a short-term extension will end once and for all Obamandias­' fatuous claim that everything that is wrong is GWB's fault [actually it is the Dem's moronic CERA strictures and the Dodd-Frank insistence that Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac keep giving mortgages to manifestly unqualifie­d buyers] that the 2008 plunge blew the bottom out of the economy.

When the dead-in-th­e-water economy limps into the dollar losing its reserve currency status and no more vacations will be affordable [except perhaps to Eurocrippl­es like Greece, Portugal, Ireland & Spain & hopefully Italy, my fave destinatio­n], then will independen­ts finally see the light and send Obamandias into early retirement­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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