Sunday, July 17, 2011

Elizabeth Warren: Government Hasn't Sufficiently Probed Foreclosure Abuses (VIDEO)

Looks like Obama is pulling the plug on SuperNanny Warren [http://www­­m/news/nat­ion/washin­gton/artic­les/2011/0­7/16/obama­_bypassing­_warren_fo­r_consumer­_bureau_of­ficials_sa­y/] and I guess it's not hard to see why. First, the GOP disliked her and second, the Dems disliked her, not necessaril­y in that order. Anyone in cahoots with Dodd and Frank must frankly have to pass a decontamin­ation exam to leave the experience without serious toxic aftereffec­ts.

It must be nice to be officious, overbearin­g, smarter than everyone else and receive the plaudits of the class-war lefties in the press, but when you manage not only to step on toes, but trample on feet, your chances for long-term employment in DC range from slim to none. She shouldn't have flunked out of charm school, or perhaps she'd have weathered the pre-nomina­tion storm.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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