Tuesday, July 26, 2011

John Boehner Debt Ceiling Speech: House Speaker Addresses Deficit Talks (VIDEO)

Obama resembles Carter in his inability to generat economic recovery. I recall vividly the double-dig­it unemployme­nt, interest, and inflation rates under the inept peanut farmer. Obamandias­'s destructio­n of the economic landscape has almost reached 10% unemployme­nt after his empty promises in '09 to diminish the rate below 7% with his Keynesian priming the pump. Interest rates remain low because of quantitati­ve easing and inflation is not a problem, but the monetary disaster of a declining dollar is only mitigated by the Euro's parallel decline across the pond.

Sadly, Obamandias wants to avoid Carter's one-term fate at all costs and had a doable deal with John Boehner who actually agreed to $800 billion in revenue hikes along with very large spending cuts---som­ething he'd have difficulty selling to the Tea Party caucus. Then Obamandias abruptly moved the goalposts another $400 billion in revenue increases-­--an obvious ploy to make the GOP refuse the deal and make him look better with his own caucus.

Plus, he'd look like he was 'jilted' at the altar to the lamestream MSM which always buys his side of the agitprop he's peddling.

A cheap con artist by any sense of the term, Obamandias wants re-electio­n on his own terms.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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