Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Bloomberg Plays Soup Nazi in NYC Role of Jewish Nanny

Bloomberg is turning into a completely obnoxious overseer of New York City's decline into a city of squabbling slaves.
An admitted fan of dumping salt on his own food, Bloomberg said the biggest culprits behind high-salt diets are the food processors that include copious amounts of sodium in canned soup and other prepared foods.
The posters irked soup giant Campbell's, which said they are "not an accurate representation of the company's soup portfolio," spokeswoman Juli Mandel Sloves said.
"Campbell is an acknowledged leader in sodium reduction. We have been reducing sodium across our portfolio for decades," Sloves added.
The campaign costs $370,000 -- $130,000 of which comes from city taxpayers. The rest is covered by the federal government, a city Department of Health spokeswoman said.

So much for chicken soup for the soul.

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