Monday, July 19, 2010

Parasite Elites in DC Batten on New Legislation While Rest of USA Economy Withers

Elites to Masses: What Blagjedovich said in Illinois Goes Double Here in DC---Go Eff Yourselves! We Got Our Cushy Jobs and You Can Go Fish!

A Virtual Crime Wave enacted by the criminally insane remote elites in DC has put Washington's economy into hyperdrive while nowhere else in the USA except government-proof Texas is able to keep economic nose above the waterline.

Brain-dead Yahoo pulled its teaser story on booming DC job markets next to its e-mail portal, which like all things ATT & Yahoo, sucks with a capital "S."

The new criminal class, it is no secret, is composed of the 435 Members of Congress and 100 Senators who have gerrymandered themselves in most states and seats into hard-to-evict elected positions which render them unaccountable to usual voting patterns. So even if the GOP were to gain, say 100 seats this Fall, the chief Big Government crime junta cacique mafiosi like "Rhino-Nose" Waxman and "Cornhole-Me" Barney Frank and Botox-Oozes-Out-of-my-Eyebrows Pelosi would all be returned to Congress, along with Maxine "Crack Mama" Waters and Bobo Boxer, the dumbest soft-porn writer in the history of the US Senate, all these pervs, perps, and nepotistic ninnies would be re-elected from impregnable fortresses of union and illegal alien corrupt seats, what in England used to be called "Rotten Boroughs."

And so Big Government battens on bigger taxes and a burgeoning IRS and CPA industry to handle the new paperwork burdens put upon the small businessmen and large corporations by abominations of quango oversight like ObamaCare and the new Fiscal Oversight Bill, ten times stupider than Sarbanes-Oxley. Thanks, Scott Brown, for voting for more Big Government after the Bloated Sow-Bitch of the Senate you replaced went to meet Mary Jo Kopechne. Maybe your daughters are prostitutes, if Barney Frank insists they're not!

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