Saturday, July 31, 2010

NYT Flubs Becoming Chronic

James Taranto points out the absolute hypocrisy and DNC-controlled bias of The Newspaper of Discord rapidly losing paid circulation through its complete subservience to one party, the Crime Spree called the Democrat Party.
Here's the lead paragraph of a New York Times story from Washington:
enate Republicans on Thursday rejected a bill to aid small businesses with expanded loan programs and tax breaks, in a procedural blockade that underscored how fiercely determined the party's leaders are to deny Democrats any further legislative accomplishments ahead of November's midterm elections.

But when you read the story, you find out that the GOP blocked the bill because the Democrats refused to consider amendments on topics "including the estate tax, nuclear loan guarantees, border security and the expiring Bush tax cuts":
Senator George LeMieux, Republican of Florida, who helped draft the bill, said Democrats had taken a bipartisan measure and created a partisan fight over it.
"This small-business bill should pass, and it should pass with relevant amendments," Mr. LeMieux said. "Before I am a Republican, I am a Floridian and an American, and this bill is good for our country."

With tensions running high, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, noted that "if just one" Republican had voted with the Democrats--a pointed reference to Mr. LeMieux--the bill would move forward.
Mr. LeMieux shot back, "Half the truth is no truth at all."
LeMieux has a point. The claim in the lead of the Times story that Republican leaders are "fiercely determined . . . to deny Democrats any further legislative accomplishments ahead of November's midterm elections" may or may not be true, but it certainly isn't proved by anything in this story.

LeMieux is the Crist-appointed Senator who has since rejected his fallen crony and is doing a better job in some ways than Mel Martinez, who inexplicably sought early retirement, showed in four years in the Senate. LeMieux is bad for offshore oil drilling, but otherwise a capable Senator.

Hopefully, Mario Rubio will be much better!

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