Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama Uses IRS to Crush Private Economy and Small Business on His Way to Installing an All-Powerful Corporatist State

If You Oppose My Grab for Absolute Power, I will Call You a Teabagger or a Racist, or BOTH

Expansion of Government Agencies is only one of the several tools Obama is employing to change the constitutional basis of American freedoms through the application of administrative laws set up without the supervision of Congress or the oversight of the SCOTUS.
Republicans argued during the health debate that the IRS would have to hire hundreds of new agents and staff to enforce ObamaCare. They were brushed off by Democrats and the press corps as if they believed the President was born on the moon. The IRS says it hasn't figured out how much extra money and manpower it will need but admits that both numbers are greater than zero.

The chaotic anarchy unleashed by the careless slipshod legislative sloppiness of "We won't know what's in the law until after we pass it" Speaker of the House Pelosi is slowly becoming apparent as the implications of the draconian tax provisions that Obamacare has put into place are revealed.
....the tracking costs for small businesses will be "disproportionate as compared with any resulting improvement in tax compliance." Job creation, here we come . . . at least for the accountants who will attempt to comply with a vast new 1099 reporting burden. Meanwhile, the IRS will be inundated with useless information, because without a huge upgrade its information systems won't be able to manage and track the nanodetails. In a Monday letter, even Democratic Senators Mark Begich (Alaska), Ben Nelson (Nebraska), Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire) and Evan Bayh (Indiana) denounce this new "burden" on small businesses and insist that the IRS use its discretion to find "better ways to structure this reporting requirement." In other words, they want regulators to fix one problem among many that all four Senators created by voting for ObamaCare.

Even tax-happy Democrats now comprehend the colossal burden of bookkeeping the new tax-reporting requirements mandated by Obamacare requires, which one called "ten times greater than the Sarbanes-Oxley monstrosity's reporting requirements," which only large businesses heretofore have been required to fulfill. It is becoming apparent that the lack of managerial and executive experience that this tyro CEO of a POTUS has in his resume is going to be more destructive than the silly Carteresque miscues like the 55-MPH speed limit and leaning buses, etc., etc.....

But the larger outlines of the disaster that the Obama Presidency is slowly revealing itself to becoming are now slowly revealing themselves, much like a heedless Titanic [economy] going at full speed ahead through a iceberg-studded patch of North Atlantic. The ObamaCare avalanche of paperwork and the new Fiscal Requirements Wall Street firms will have to show the brain-fog ridden SEC are only two examples of administrative law rendering capitalism and good business practices overburdened with bureaucratic requirements. As the municipal monstrosity of the city of Cleveland, with an economy wrecked by a socialist numbnut mayor named Kucinich, who now continues his antics in Congress, demonstrates, the average time for a new business venture to fill the administrative requirements simply to begin its business operations is "19 months, we'll have you up and running....!"

Just stretch such administrative rule by quangos across the entire USA and soon our economy will be buried in paperwork, for tax and mandated transparency requirements. And another part of the picture, like one of the old Polaroid pictures beginning to clarify before the eyes of the American voter, is now becoming more and more clarifyingly obvious:

To wit: Obama is proving himself to be a nasty sophomoric thin-skinned second-rater who has pushed and managed in some cases to pass monster legislative miscues which will quickly turn the USA into some sort of first-world Zimbabwe.

Obama is a Corporatist Socialist along the lines of Mussolini and Hitler, or what Stalin would call a "fascist," binding government-controlled corporations, unions, educational and volunteer organizations into a tight band of top-down controlled statist mechanisms.

I'm sure this third-rate Jimmy Carter doesn't think of himself as another Mugabe, but his marshaling so-called classes of racial, social, gender, and ethnic "victims" to combine together to overthrow and dispossess the existing class of property-owners with taxes and other government fiscal demands makes the resemblance of Obama's future USA with Robert Mugabe's tottering bankrupt corrupt extractive autocracy eerily similar.

And on Nelson Mandela's 92nd birthday today, it is dead certain that Obama is NOT a Nelson Mandela.

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