Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wal-Mart et alia

Been having some problems recently with Blogger, but here goes:

The New York Times piece on Wal-Mart enlisting bloggers to tell its side of the story has the usual sanctimony-vibe attached. The Old Grey Whore for the Left has been picked up by young pimps on CNN, notably Andrew Serwer, who is associated with anti-Bush ranter Cafferty on their clueless business program.

So the MSM is starting to crank up its mighty Wurlitzer against bloggers, or at least bloggers who attack leftish businesses like Target and who support Wal-Mart, which values consumer pricing more than political hanky-panky.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have received messages from Marshall Manson, but have used him as a link resource, not a cut-and-paste treasury. Good for Marshall; although he will be castigated by the MSM as outside the pale, who wants to be inside their pale?

As an obiter dictum on the Oscars the other night, CNN said that TV ratings for this orgy of self-congratulation were down, and then CNN added a dig at Jon Stewart, mentioning that the ratings were lowest during the first half hour during his monologue.

Of course, his “monologue” did not last that long. CNN was probably miffed because this collection of creatures who get high sniffing their own flatulence was roasted by Stewart, who also committed the sin of omission of not roasting Bush at all, and only one small quip about Cheney.

For laughs, check out Drudgereport for another run at the illiterate dunce Streisand’s misspellings, all of which are made while the dodo robo-sow knocks GWB for his C-average during college!

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