Friday, March 03, 2006

BLACK NOLA Congressman Uncharged

Congressman Jefferson of the Second District of Louisiana has been caught in a bribery scandal over a bribe from a Nigerian cell phone company. However, the left-wing MSM simply DOES NOT REPORT this fact, which died as soon as it hit media-land. A week ago, I was listening to NPR when they announced this joker from the most corrupt city [his office is right in downtown NO] in the USA was going to be interviewed. Wonder if they asked him about the bribery charges? I'll bet those assiduous journalists at NPR may have forgotten to do so.

Meanwhile, Vietnam War Hero Duke Cunningham is rightly going to jail.

What is the DOJ doing with black caucus joke Jefferson? Same thing it's doing on the NSA leaks. I can remember my amazement when GWB responded to a question about prosecuting the NSA leaks, he said he ASSUMED the DOJ was on the job on the case.

This and his recent ignorance of the DP World port issue makes me think his "hands off" style of management is more like hear no, see no, speak no evil.

Wobbly just like his daddy.

UPDATE USAToday actually wrote about the criminally suspicious behavior of "Congressman A" back in January.

RESULT--a complete MSM blackout on the Congressman Jefferson scandal since Jan 11th and all sorts of hue and cry about Abramoff, Cunningham, and Cheney's hunting accident.

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