Friday, March 03, 2006

Midget Meddler Carter Against USA

Jimmy Carter's delusional state has now reached a level where he imagines he is still president. Some people relayed his latest weirdness to the NY Sun:

Mr. Carter said he made a personal promise to ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan, and Cuba on the U.N. change issue that was undermined by America's ambassador, John Bolton. "My hope is that when the vote is taken," he told the Council on Foreign Relations, "the other members will outvote the United States."

While other former presidents have tried to refrain from attacking the sitting chief executive, Mr. Carter's attacks on President Bush have increased. The episode he recounted yesterday showed how he tried to undermine officials at lower levels in an effort to influence policy.

Also, for the historical record, this wind-up meddler went to N. Korea during Bill Clinton's Administration to negotiate without authority. Isn't that against the law?

But this backwoods philosopher now tries to undermine US policy-making by calling Administration underlings and trying to undermine UN Ambassador Bolton. That makes him a hero on the psychotic fringes of the hard left, but persona non grata in the State Department and NSC [and just about everywhere else in DC except Barbara-Boxer-land].

The story, as Mr. Carter recalled, began with a recent dinner for 17 he attended in New York, where the guests included the president of the U.N. General Assembly, Jan Eliasson; an unidentified American representative, and other U.N. ambassadors from "powerful" countries at Turtle Bay, of which he mentioned only three: Cuba, Egypt, and Pakistan. The topic was the ongoing negotiations on an attempt to replace the widely discredited Geneva-based Human Rights Commission with a more accountable Human Rights Council.

"One of the things I assured them of was that the United States was not going to dominate all the other nations of the world in the Human Rights Council," Mr. Carter said. However, on the next day, Mr. Carter said, Mr. Bolton publicly "demanded" that the five permanent members of the Security Council will have permanent seats on the new council as well, "which subverted exactly what I have promised them," Mr. Carter said.

Wow! Last I checked, this geek was voted out of office for a real man in 1980 and has not had a real job since. As usual, the peanut farmer manque was on the wrong side of the issue:

Publications not known for their support of the Bush administration or Mr. Bolton, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, recently backed the ambassador's policy on the Human Rights Council, saying in editorials that the compromise hashed out by Mr. Eliasson is an inadequate fix for the existing structure.

Mr. Bolton's spokesman, Richard Grenell, told The New York Sun yesterday that it is "naive" [emphasis mine] to think that Mr. Bolton has "a different position than the rest of the United States government on this issue."

"Naive" is a nice term for the sort of meddlesome and muddled twaddle that this former prez who thinks he still has some sort of moral authority regurgitates on cue.

Carter defines "stuck on stupid," as evidenced by his recent monitoring of elections in Ethiopia, which he immediately pronounced valid and then forthwith left the country while the rest of the UN and other monitors were left with the murderous riots that ensued because, in fact, the elections were rigged.

I personally heard Carter in a symposium in Atlanta in 1982 claim that on Middle East issues, he was in the dark and outmaneuvered, as I recall. Later the rumor came about that he blamed Israel for his 1980 election defeat, since Teddy Kennedy was sicced on him in the primaries as well as John Anderson in the primaries and in the general election.

So now he spends his time bashing Bush, which always gets a big hand in NYC, but makes Jimmy look even more foolish nationwide. And he bashes Israel and Bush in the same substitute for thought that kumbayeh types prefer---preachy putdowns:

Asked yesterday about his views on religion, Mr. Carter said, "The essence of my faith is one of peace." In a clear swipe at Mr. Bush's faith, and to a round of applause, he then added, "We worship the prince of peace, not of pre-emptive war." Mr. Carter then went on to attack American Christians who support Israel.

He also reiterated his known view that most of the problems in the Israeli-Arab front derive from Israel's settlement policies and its building of a defensive barrier in what he insisted on calling "Palestine."

His next pronouncements will be that terrorism is okay, as the Oscar nominated movie directorHany Abu Assad attests and I'm sure Hollyweird will agree at the Oscars when he will possibly get an award to a standing ovation. Munich puts a warm glow on terrorism too, so pretty soon the imbecile from Plains will be mumbling his praise for suicide bombers.

Can't wait for the next episode of "what is wrong with Jimmy Carter?"

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