Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thatcher Foundation Chief Blasts Guardian's "Minimal Credibility."

The Guardian has a blog by a pair of disreputable scumbags who've perpetrated the lie that Margaret Thatcher evinced no desire to meet with Sarah Palin. Here is an official statement from the Thatcher Foundation putting paid to that lie by the Guardian:
I have no inside knowledge of this business to offer I am afraid and certainly am not in a position to make any kind of statement on Lady Thatcher’s behalf. I’m happy though to give you my personal view.

The Guardian, of course, is not a newspaper at all sympathetic to Lady Thatcher (or to Mrs. Palin), so reports on this topic, from that source, have minimal credibility. If nothing else, would Lady Thatcher have ever described a prominent US conservative politician as ‘nuts’, or approved an ‘ally’ who used the description? I would hope that question answers itself.

Of course, sadly, Lady Thatcher’s health is not good these days and such considerations naturally dominate her schedule. That much is true. Someone once said that if you plaster together the true and the false you thereby manufacture the plausible, but in this case I don’t think even that much has been achieved by the Guardian.

On the ‘Malvinas’, the OAS never learns and the State Department endlessly seeks to curry favour with it for the sake of the a quiet life. The question is a closed one as far as we in Britain are concerned, as it is in the Falklands themselves where opinion is undivided.

Best wishes,
Christopher Collins
Margaret Thatcher Foundation

It's hardly news that the Guardian and its phalanx of leftist rubbish liners and fishwrap such as the Independent are congenitally dishonest---the BBC I watch every night here in Florida is a lying and biased outlet, but the BBC does have news from all around the world, which the lamestream MSM assiduously avoids for budget and comprehension reasons. So it does have its uses and as a former diplomat and political officer, I can read between the lines and discern what's actually going on.

Wintour & Watt are a pair of pond scum suitable for vacuuming by insects and reptiles and other higher forms of life than they are.

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