Saturday, June 11, 2011

ABC/WaPo Poll Duplicates CBS/Gallup: Romney 49-46 over Obungler

Romney is looking better and better. I don't understand why he isn't pushing himself in the Ames straw poll next week. He is already making RINO noises on the climate so as to get the lamestream MSM, whose mendacious habits are useful in getting a gullible American public the "vibe" that someone has credibility. Might as well go with the flow.

That will work until and unless a REAL Republican like Rick Perry or Paul Ryan or Chris Christie starts to run. Then the lamestream MSM will hop in against them and the independents may finally see the losers in the L-MSM for what they are. Liars and cheats and traitors, not to mention mendacious zit-heads.

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