Friday, June 10, 2011

Politico Doesn't Like the Right Correct POV

Seems that the submission to the left-wing hacks on Politico wasn't deemed down to their dimwit standards and was returned to me as not having been down to their libtard standards:
"If Obungler isn't worried about the economy, he should at least be worried about Romney's catching him in the polls. Seems the folks in Flyover Country and other commonsensical municipalities uninfested with the academicide and legacy lamestream media maniacs have compared a half-term senator from nowhere that the lamest lamestreamers can even locate with a businessman who rescued a bankrupt Winter Olympics and specializes in turning around businesses in trouble. The business currently in trouble is USA, Inc., which the socialists in Obama's party deny exists. Happily, less than 20% of the US registered voters called themselves libtards, and 42% now consider themselves "conservative." How long can 1% of the academiciders and lamestreamers call themselves a majority? Not for long, if the polls on Romney continue to hold."

I'll resubmit it tomorrow and see if I can get it by an intern-on-duty who may be a bit less retarded.

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