Friday, June 10, 2011

Texas Gov Perry Calls for Statewide Day of Prayer

Rick Perry may be preparing a run as two of his intimate advisors quit the snakebit Gingrich campaign yesterday and his call for a day of prayer generates a tempest in a teacup over separation of Church and State.
Though he continues to deny it publicly, close associates of Governor Rick Perry reportedly say that he’s considering a White House bid. How could his run be impacted by his plans for a statewide day of prayer in Texas? Perry’s seeking God’s guidance in solving the nation’s problems, but critics have called it a blatant violation of the separation of church and state.
Tony Perkins, the President of the Family Research Council, spoke to Gretchen about whether this shows a favoritism toward Christianity that will hurt Perry politically. Perkins says that over 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christian, and “To say that we’re going to have prayer, that’s not out of the mainstream, that is the mainstream.”

Immediately after the paragraphs above, a vote questionnaire asks on Fox Insider whether Perry's move "crossed the line" and unsurprisingly 96% of the readers voted, NO PROBLEM!!!

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