Monday, June 06, 2011

Ted Cruz in Texas, Another Cuban in the Senate?

Ted Cruz is an Ivy League Tea Partier with a cum laude degree from Princeton & a Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law who is Texas's Solicitor General and endorsed by Tea Party Platforms as well as Mark Levin, the best radio show host---with some anger issues---on the air.
Cruz has received endorsements from FreedomWorks, Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee, Red State and the Club for Growth — as well as the affirmation of conservative heavyweight and radio talk show host Mark Levin.

“Ted is one of our nation’s leading defenders of the Tenth Amendment. He is a champion for limiting the power, size, and spending of the federal government,” said Lee, a recently elected senator considered close to the Tea Party movement. “Ted and I share much in common. We’re both proven conservatives who clerked for strong conservative Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, and we both believe passionately in limited government and the U.S. Constitution.”

Cruz is one of four candidates in the GOP primary to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchinson in Texas for her Senate seat.

Looks like another Marco Rubio as the chldren of victims of oppression come back to greatness in the USA from Cuba, still a political hellhole.

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