Monday, June 06, 2011

NBC News Houseboy Lester Holt Follows Syrian Diversionary Move

Lester Holt on the Evening News Sunday showed pictures of the Syrian border attacks on Israel after a news byte on Yemen and one on Libya:
Sunday’s riots were an attempt "to divert attention away from the massacre in Syria,” one official charged. "The Syrians will be held accountable for these events.”

Supposedly the Syrian youth were promised $1000 for charging the border fences and $10,000 to the family of anyone who died in the attempt by the Syrian authorities. In the meantime, the Syrian government has a complete news blackout on murders after the June 4th Friday prayersin Hama where over 80 were killed by government sharpshooters.

OBTW, the stepin'fetchit Holt had NOTHING about Syrian protests, so the Israeli authorities were right that the border infraction, highly photographed by international news organizations, diverted attention from bloody murderous Syrian atrocities in Hama and Rastan.

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