Friday, June 03, 2011

Soros Empire Funds Nearly 30 Media Operations to Destroy FoxNews

I nearly killed the Pound---Now I'm After the Greenback-a-Dollar. I'll Get You, My Pretty Green Ones...!

Memeorandum has a sort of JournoLista posse or mafia of blogospheric support blogs whenever a Demonrat ukase comes out from the DNC promoting another socialist nostrum or opposing a GOP plan to revert to capitalism. This echo chamber serves as a multiplier for ideas which just a couple of years ago weren't really standard debating points in the Marketplace of Ideas, simply because they were considered "fringe." Now, creatures from the fringe are quickly assimilated and granted street cred by an invisible network of "gatekeepers," unappointed and unelected guardians of the socialist one-world flame of statist domination of the US economy. Creepy nobodies from nowhere suddenly are ALL OVER the blogosphere. A fellow named Glenn Greenwald is one prime example---he's still a REAL NOWHERE MAN, but he's everywhere spewing his nowhere BS.

When Fox finally deigns to retaliate to the ancient Man of the Mountain sending out his media assassins to bushwhack them at every turn, the reaction is predictable:
When Soros was criticized by Fox, multiple pieces of the Soros Empire responded. In one case, Jonathan Schell, a fellow at The Nation Institute, another part of the Media Consortium, made Fox News out to be anti-Semitic for criticizing Soros. An opinion piece titled, "The Protocols of Rupert Murdoch," a reference to the infamous anti-Semitic "Protocols of The Elders of Zion," blasted Glenn Beck.

Schell claimed Beck's criticism of 'the financier and philanthropist George Soros' in effect "recycles, almost in carbon copy, the tropes of the most virulent anti-Semitic ideologues." The column was distributed by another Soros-funded entity, Project Syndicate, which reaches "462 leading newspapers in 150 countries," with a monthly circulation of 72,815,528.

It's that sort of cooperation that makes the Soros-funded "echo chamber" successful. Go on AlterNet and find articles from The Nation, a rant by Robert Greenwald or an interview by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! Or go on New America Media's site and find an article from Color Lines.

The content from the 180 media sites that Soros helps support can be linked, cited or reposted, adding to the sense that there is strong interest in any particular "progressive idea." It's just one more way George Soros influences the media.

Dan Gainor has a series of articles he's running on the Soros Empire. Recently, I was deluged with a torrent of pleading requests from The American Spectator run by a fellow name R. Emmett Tyrrell, whose goal was to raise $50K by June 1st. After what seemed two months of e-mails in my inbox, Mr. Tyrrell started his last begging message "Dagnabbit...." and virtually cried "Uncle" after raising only a little over $24K in the span of his fund-raising campaign.

For the Soros crowd, that is walking-around money. This is Saul Alinsky on industrial-strength steroids. Gainor says:
Think Progress, the heavily Soros-funded blog for the Center for American Progress, slammed Fox more than 30 times in six months. AlterNet, an especially unhinged liberal outlet, went after the network at least 18 times in those months. It is one of 45 organizations aided by Soros' support of the Media Consortium - "a network of the country's leading, progressive, independent media outlets."

These outlets are all part of Soros' web of media organizations that mirror his view of Fox as their enemy. That's the way he describes it in the new book, "The Philanthropy of George Soros." "Those in charge of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, have done well in identifying me as their adversary," he wrote. "They have done less well in the methods they used to attack me: Their lies shall not stand and their techniques shall not endure."

The tentacles of the Soros Octopus reach everywhere, and the piteous bleating of Mr. Tyrrell must be music to the ears of this arbitrage cat-burglar whose monetary and financial manipulations made him a billion pounds in 1990, giving Mr. Soros the wherewithal to spread his media cancer to metasthetize over a wide range of media operations:
That anti-Fox agenda is reflected in plans by another group in Soros' pocket to target the network specifically. Media Matters founder David Brock said his Soros-funded operation ($1.1 million) will "focus on [News Corp. CEO Rupert] Murdoch and trying to disrupt his commercial interests."

This information is part of an upcoming report by the Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute, which has been looking into George Soros and his influence on the media.

The left hating Fox isn't new. But the efforts of the different groups take on an amazing similarity. Take the University of Maryland study that seemed so critical of Fox News. The study itself included this nugget: "This suggests that misinformation cannot simply be attributed to news sources, but are part of the larger information environment that includes statements by candidates, political ads and so on." That didn't stop any of the groups from using it against Fox News. AlterNet, Washington Monthly, Think Progress and The Nation. It quickly moved into the mainstream media from there.

That's just part of Soros' influence. He denies having a media empire, despite spending easily more than $48 million on that empire and having top journalists from more than 30 major news organizations serving on the boards of groups he funds. It reaches at least 180 media organizations, and many other groups he funds include a media component in what they do.

Thankfully, the good sense of the American people is so far holding up against this virtual barrage of disinformation, double-think, creeping socialism, and classic marxist class warfare koans. The paid circulation of Fox News flagship Wall Street Journal has climbed past that of USAToday's and continues to grow.

On the other hand, the flagship of liberal lies, its "Deathstar" command-and-control center called The New York Times, has had to get newer and more PC leadership to its masthead, adding the First Female Managing Editor, Jill Abramson, and a cast-off from the LA Times, Dean Bacquet, to its bridge, while tossing an increasingly obstreperous Cap'n Bill Keller overboard to feed the fishes. Or perhaps he walked the plank, metaphorically speaking, as his wraith will still be seen haunting the newsroom as a Staff Writer until he completely dissolves from the national disinformation projection room.

The NYT has been flailing in the paid circ department, as its free-lunch economic policies have literally been subsumed by its readership, which has availed itself of so many free online versions of the Jewish Gospel [including the one calling for the Destruction of Israel], that its paid circ is barely north of 800,000 daily dead-tree participants. Carlos Slim of the Mexican Cement fortune had to come in last year [after long and serious begging] to temporarily refinance the NYT's near-bankrupt treasury.

Maybe we should remember that old book by the author of Manchild in the Promised Land, the prophetic James Baldwin, who foresaw a Manchurian puppet POTUS long ago, the other book promising hell and brimstone for the party unfaithful, The Fire Next Time.

Wouldn't it be fitting that the living fossil NYT become a casualty of the Digital Age just like the little conservative mag, The American Spectator?

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