Saturday, June 23, 2007

Shuffling North toward Freedom While Elitists Beckon

I am reading Marcel Pagnol's marvelous La Gloire de mon Pere and La Chateau de ma Mere both of which largely take place near Marseilles, Pagnol is originally of Catalan origin as he notes in his book, and Steyn has a francophone style and The Count of Monte Cristo is a great place to make an analogy on the hordes of unwashed peasants shuffling across our borders to become instant grifters:

Faced with a sustained systemic assault on US sovereignty, the federal government simply surrendered - and, in effect, sued for terms. Last year’s offer was rejected as being unacceptable to the vast legions of the “undocumented” and so, for example, the requirement to pay three out of five years’ back taxes was replaced by a total tax amnesty.

But just so we’re all clear what happened: An army of peasants defeated the soi-disant hyperpower. America’s closest allies - the Australians, say – periodically seek some modest advantage for their citizenry in return for their steadfast support, and generally get nowhere. But a population the size of Australia’s simply moved across the border and, despite huge public hostility to the strains imposed on local education and health care, the US government simply shrugged: There’s nothing we can do except give in.

This is not an immigration issue. Rather, this is a fascinating template (to put it at its mildest) on how to subvert national sovereignty. When I referred to an “army of peasants”, by the way, I wasn’t being pejorative, only marveling at the leverage brought to bear by some of the poorest people in the hemisphere. They were aided, of course, by forces inside the perimeter – the business class and the political elites. And this is where the template starts to look more familiar. There has always been human migration: “One day a mysterious colony set out from Spain and landed on the narrow strip of land which they inhabit to this very day,” as Dumas writes of the small Catalan village near Marseilles at the beginning of The Count Of Monte Cristo. But mass immigration as a conscious instrument of the host society’s domestic policy is very much a phenomenon of the modern age, and not an especially reassuring one. Listening to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff jeering at the yahoos boorish enough to oppose amnesty, I was reminded of the British and European establishments a generation or two back. In the late Sixties and early Seventies, when the anti-immigration working class of northern England fretted that they would lose their cities to the “Pakis”, the sophisticates mocked them as paranoid racists. Racist they may well have been, but they weren’t paranoid: In little more than a generation, Oldham and Blackburn and Batley went from mills to mosques. Yorkshire and Lancashire have adopted Mirpuri practice on arranged cousin marriage and can now boast among their native sons the July 7th Tube bombers.

And a generation from now, the "silent integration" that lying elitists like Chertoff, Bush, Lott, and the Big Brother Dhimmi-party will all be comfortable while the offscourings of humanity clamor for integration with a narco failed-state oligarchy to the South. And Cinco de Mayo becomes violent while cringing Anglos shuffle off to Canada---or pick up their firearms and resist the invasion.