Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pinball Wizard Starts to lose his touch?

Che Lives in My Oval Office in Spirit and in my Bolshie Policies

Bob Turner defeated a liberal Demonrat named Weprin who was a State Assemblyman in the Weinergate run-off special election, showing GOP strength in a district that had NEVER elected a Republican---although its Catholic & Orthodox Jewish constituencies are more conservative than most of Brooklyn/Queens bolshie netherlands.....

I just can't wait for the WH comment tomorrow or how the mentally-retarded Baghdad Bobs of the liberal Demonrat commentariat are going to try this electoral catastrophe for their socialist policies go away. The upstate victory last Spring after a GOP moron showed his six-pack abs in the mirror for admiration on Craigslist was of a mediocre GOP female by a highly-funded and supported Demonrat RICO conspiracy. This GOP victory in the heart of the Bolshevik archipelago is something else.

My guess is that deaf, dumb and blind kid [or shall we say man-child?] in the Oval Office won't even acknowledge that he is swirling slowly downward in the porcelain bowl towards his true cloacal home---the sewer of community organizing and agitpreppie BS which spawned him in the first place!
Debbie Wasserman-Schmuck and the compulsive motor-mouth Upchuck Shumer, now a US Senator, will have a difficult time explaining how Shumer's old CD where he served as a Congressman [when I met and talked with him---or rather he bragged at me that he was the first Jew on Harvard's basketball team---at a Sag Harbor cocktail confab with Betty Friedan, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. & a bunch of other "social elite" stroking each other's egos]. By coincidence, this seat has not been GOP since 1920 and was also the springboard for Geraldine Ferraro's career. I just can't wait to hear the agitpreppies try to spin this catastrophe into some sort of Demonrat victory....!!!

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