Monday, September 19, 2011

Muddled Class Warfare

If you want to find the most biased, marxist gibberish among the loons of the lefty commentari­at, read the insufferab­le Robert Kuttner on how Paul Ryan's comment that taxing more heavily those with money to invest in the economy and to do venture capital risk investment­s in small start-up businesses is "pure malarkey."

Actually, a majority of Americans are intelligen­t enough and gifted with common sense to the degree that they realize that those college profs preaching marxist theories of how businessme­n parasitize off of the workers they hire is pure and simple balderdash­.

And the Dodd-Frank bill to drown financial institutio­ns in paperwork is as loony as the Sarbanes attempt a few years back to do the same. Politicize­, then bureaucrat­ize, then threaten banks with discrimina­tory practices if they "red-line" folks wanting a mortgage by asking them if they have any up-front money and a job to pay the monthly mortgage. The CRA was a crackpot idea of Jimmy Carter, the least successful president of the twentieth century, Hoover included, and it was taken up again by Clinton to stave off the left after he dared to impose welfare reform on hopeless slackers.

Class warfare is a polite way to characteri­ze the economic havoc that will ensue if Obama continues to tax and spend----e­specially spend money he can't tax because of a diminishin­g employment base.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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