Thursday, September 08, 2011

Detroit and St. Louis Numbers One & Two in Crime

1964-1965 were the two years I lived in St. Louis and had the opportunity to work in the old Pruitt-Igoe complex of public high-rise housing for a Demonrat black "insurgent" congressional candidate whose son still holds the seat and is among the most corrupt members of the Black Caucus, itself the most corrupt segment of the Demonrat Party of Corruption currently raping our economy and poised to do so again under a totally inept affirmative-action schoolboy.

Detroit was my homebase in the later sixties when I lived in Ann Arbor and went there often---to see Lucien Nedzi, a Congressman whose name I actually want to repeat because he had a minimum of moral fiber in his political stature---I went to the Old Palladium when it was still safe to do so and saw Van Morrison and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, among many memories. I even met Bill Ayers and his soon-to-be-dead girl friend Diana Oughton at Detroit Airport when Mark Rudd, recently on the cover of Time Magazine for leading a student "insurrection" at Columbia U., where the current affirmative-action POTUS went to school and where his GPA and senior thesis have "disappeared," without a peep from the lamestream MSM, afraid to be called "racist." Rick Perry released his grades from Texas A&M, and immediately met with a wall of ridicule from the lamestreamers----who would never dare to ask for Obungler's transcripts. Even his Harvard Law Review Election was another exercise in affirmative action, as the Clown-in-Chief never wrote anything and the role of "President" is simply a popularity contest---he couldn't even write his own autobiography, Dreams of My Father, without asking serial bungler Bill Ayers, who killed his own girlfriend back in 1970 with faulty bomb-making instructions and blew up a Greenwich Village townhouse in the process, to do the heavy lifting.

When Obama talks about "fixing" Detroit, he means throwing more taxpayer or quantitative easing money at the problem, which might ensure his political popularity and buy off a few more corrupt public officials and union goons, but ain't gonna "fix" anything---a momentary fix like one from a heroin needle.
Hoffa describes the combatants in his "war" as "workers" on the one hand and "the Tea Party" on the other. But of course he isn't interested in workers in general, only those who belong to unions--a group that, after decades of private-sector union decline, largely consists of employees of government, government contractors and government bailout beneficiaries such as General Motors and Chrysler. "The Tea Party," meanwhile, is a dysphemism for taxpayers.

"Despite President Obama's repeated claims to change the tone in Washington, the White House had no comment this afternoon" on Hoffa's highly uncivil rhetoric, ABC News reports. Hey, give Hoffa credit. It isn't easy to stop this president from talking.

In his own speech, the president made clear that he agreed with the substance if not the tone of Hoffa's remarks. But turning America into Detroit may not be easy. After all, once Detroiters moved past Eight Mile Road, they were no longer able to vote against Coleman Young. Obama can't shrink the electorate he will have to face next year.

The Republic of the United States of America is still based on voting for its president, and all the corrupt union thugs and goons and feckless POTUS BS isn't going to change that fact.

If the most recent polls are any indication, the presidency is the GOP's to win in 2012, despite every effort from a corrupt biased media led by the flagship of moral sewage, NBC and its ridiculous agitprop outlet mall, PMSNBC.

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