Saturday, September 10, 2011

Packer/Saints Game Biggest Primetime NFL TV Game since Last Century!!!

The Hollywood Reporter demonstrated afain the popularity of pro football in the Americaqn pantheon of pastimes.

Over 25 million Americns watched the game & Thursday nite, 18 million watched the musical inauguration of the season.

Attempts by the statist mafiosi to hamper and hamstring the game are doomed, as are other elements of their feminizing agenda.

This February's Super Bowl drew 120 million viewers, most EVER for any TV broadcast about anything===and 165 million reportedly stayed watching to boost the Super Bowl Packer victory as THE MOST WATCHED EVENT LIVE IN US TV HISTORY......!!!!!!l
UPDATE TV by the Numbers has the latest stats [27.2 million viewers] & it appears the NFL is getting more popular every year.

Interesting contrast: O'Bozo had around 31 million libtards watching this moronic finger-wagging dunce yelling "pass this bill now...." while White House aides admitted that the bill in its final form won't be ready to pass for at least a week or maybe more.

I don't know whether the Keystone Kops or the Three Stooges would even accept a dunce as dumb as Obungler if he can keep repeating he wants the bill passed "now" when it'll take another week to lick into shape.

Sorta reminds you of the Botox Queen telling us peons that "you'll know what's in the bill after we pass it."

Remember when O'Bozo promised to have the most "transparent" administration in US history? I guess that meant that you can look in one of those oversized ears and see daylight right through on the other side...!

Thirty-one million on eleven cable and network channels versus 27.2 on NBC all by itself. Kinda tells everybody except the hopeless libtards just how credible the First Dunce is in the eyes of the American people.

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