Thursday, May 26, 2011

North Korea Using Starvation as Bargaining Chip

The Economist has an article on North Korea that include the name of Stephen Bosworth, whom I had lunch with in Lyon, France where I was Vice Consul and he was the Economics Minister in the Paris Embassy back in the seventies. Bosworth is trying to get South Korea to cease demanding an apology for the attacks last year that killed almost fifty S. Korean citizens on S. Korean territory, as well as the sinking of a S. Korean naval ship a bit earlier. As I recall, Bosworth is the limp-wristed pantywaist type quite suited to sucking up on behalf of a terrorist failed-state.

However, Jimmy Carter should get a Nobel Peace Prize for fatuous sniffing of his own farts for this observation:
"“to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation” and he accused both the US and S. Korea of this violation.

To give Hillary Clinton credit, Carter and his delegation of comsymps returned from N. Korea and tried to get an appointment with the SecState to present their unsolicited "findings" and she was reported to have ostentatiously said "To hell with him...." and dismissed the emissary from the peanut-brain immediately and without fanfare.

I'll bet that little anti-Semite is now revelling in the fact that his soon-to-be-one-termer successor Obungler is calling for a retreat to the pre-'67 borders between Israel & Palestine. The only disagreement that paraphiliac Jimmy would have with Obama would be that Carter wants Israel to go back to the UN borders before the '48 War of Liberation where the Israelis crushed the Arab cowards after the Arabs disagreed with the UN. Israel agreed with the UN, to its chagrin as the Hall of
Flatulence has since repaid Israel with contempt and hate.

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