Saturday, May 29, 2010

King Obama The Verbose: Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn is a true multinational conservative, so far more educated than the smarmy wimp David Brooks that the NYT wouldn't dare hire him because he's much smarter than the rest of the op-ed page combined. Punchline on the BP situation:

Almost every problem we face today arises from the vanity of Big Government. Why has BP got oil wells 5,000 feet underwater in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico? Because government regulated them off-land, off-coast, and ever deeper into the briny.

The MSM can't handle the truth, as they eat from the crumbs and leavings of the fat-cat politicos' tables and sip of their wassail as the cleanup crew clears out the dining hall. No one could ever betray the tribe of scribblers and stenographers unless they are David Broder, and then Broder gets sniped at by human garbage in the retarded sector of the blogosphere. Cole should join a special olympics for the mind.

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