Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama More Cowardly Than Carter?

Retarded Jimmy was so inept in his foreign policy that the USSR decided to invade Afghanistan in 1979---my friend Amb. Spike Dubs was just one of millions of casualties of that war. And of course, Jimmy didn't even bleat when the Russian Military Intell thugs killed the American Ambassador in the US Embassy. Nothing to see here, just move along.....

Now we have a complete misfit in the White House who is a total neophyte in the foreign policy arena, aside from a senior thesis he wrote at Columbia U. on US/USSR nuclear disarmament which has mysteriously "disappeared" without a bleat from the impotent White House Choir called the MSM. Or as Charles Krauthammer notes in a [partial] laundry list of US stupidities committed under the man-child's incompetent miscalculations:

...rising powers, traditional American allies, having watched this administration in action, have decided that there's no cost in lining up with America's enemies and no profit in lining up with a U.S. president given to apologies and appeasement.

They've watched President Obama's humiliating attempts to appease Iran, as every rejected overture is met with abjectly renewed U.S. negotiating offers. American acquiescence reached such a point that the president was late, hesitant and flaccid in expressing even rhetorical support for democracy demonstrators who were being brutally suppressed and whose call for regime change offered the potential for the most significant U.S. strategic advance in the region in 30 years.

They've watched America acquiesce to Russia's re-exerting sway over Eastern Europe, over Ukraine (pressured by Russia last month into extending for 25 years its lease of the Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol) and over Georgia (Russia's de facto annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is no longer an issue under the Obama "reset" policy).

They've watched our appeasement of Syria, Iran's agent in the Arab Levant -- sending our ambassador back to Syria even as it tightens its grip on Lebanon, supplies Hezbollah with Scuds and intensifies its role as the pivot of the Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas alliance. The price for this ostentatious flouting of the United States and its interests? Ever more eager U.S. "engagement."

They've observed the administration's gratuitous slap at Britain over the Falklands, its contemptuous treatment of Israel, its undercutting of the Czech Republic and Poland, and its indifference to Lebanon and Georgia. And in Latin America, they see not just U.S. passivity as Venezuela's Hugo Chávez organizes his anti-American "Bolivarian" coalition while deepening military and commercial ties with Iran and Russia. They saw active U.S. support in Honduras for a pro-Chávez would-be dictator seeking unconstitutional powers in defiance of the democratic institutions of that country.

Krauthammer wrote the column in response to Brazil and Turkey's agreement with Iran on Uranium---which the US under Obama/Clinton's leadership thought was a clever ploy to divert some of Iran's uranium out of country---until the final agreement actually ended up increasing the weapons-grade potential of the uranium in question. It's pretty easy to gull a sophomoric foreign policy invisible boy who doesn't give press conferences any more because he can't take questions without a teleprompter. And, as CK notes, the new agreement

will, however, make meaningful sanctions more difficult. America's proposed Security Council resolution is already laughably weak -- no blacklisting of Iran's central bank, no sanctions against Iran's oil and gas industry, no nonconsensual inspections on the high seas. Yet Turkey and Brazil -- both current members of the Security Council -- are so opposed to sanctions that they will not even discuss the resolution. And China will now have a new excuse to weaken it further.

But the Secretary of State who brought a "reset button" to Moscow that was inaccurate in its translation can't be expected to get something as complex as Iranian nuclear sanctions straight. And CK correctly sees the result

This is not just an America in decline. This is an America in retreat -- accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum.

Nor is this retreat by inadvertence. This is retreat by design and, indeed, on principle. It's the perfect fulfillment of Obama's adopted Third World narrative of American misdeeds, disrespect and domination from which he has come to redeem us and the world. Hence his foundational declaration at the U.N. General Assembly last September that "No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation" (guess who's been the dominant nation for the last two decades?) and his dismissal of any "world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another." (NATO? The West?)

Given Obama's policies and principles, Turkey and Brazil are acting rationally. Why not give cover to Ahmadinejad and his nuclear ambitions? As the United States retreats in the face of Iran, China, Russia and Venezuela, why not hedge your bets? There's nothing to fear from Obama, and everything to gain by ingratiating yourself with America's rising adversaries. After all, they actually believe in helping one's friends and punishing one's enemies.

So Obama may be deliberately inserting his own racial hatred onto the USA, although his own ancestors were slave-owning Kansas settlers on his mother's side and possibly Arab Somali slavers [slave-hunting Africans organized by the Arabs] on his father's side.

Personally, I'll just settle for barnyard-variety egomaniac punching several levels above his weight.

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