Sunday, April 09, 2006

Islamist Threats in Memphis

Yale is not the only university to follow the urge to mollycoddle Muslim extremist students. Read how Brigitte Gabriel, of Lebanese origin, was treated at the University of Memphis, where extremist Islamist radicals tried to disrupt her speech after this largely unreported incident took place right in the Mississippi River Valley:
Unknown to me, a Muslim student attending the University of Memphis was arrested weeks prior to my lecture for, among other things, possession of DVD’s on pilot training and charts on the layout of the Memphis airport. They found links on his computer to sites associated with a radical Sunni Muslim organization in Iraq, and searches for information on how guns and bombs can be smuggled past airport security. After witnessing the Muslim reaction to my lecture and what happened few weeks ago at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill when an Iranian Muslim student drove into, for Allah’s sake, innocent students gathering on university grounds, the Memphis police were not going to take any chances.

In any event, there was an attempt to disrupt the presentation. Betsy's Page quotes Brigitte:
Based on what happened to me in Memphis, I think its time for Americans to wake up as to what is occurring within their very midst. It is time to be energized and empowered to stand up and fight to take back our universities. Its incidents like this that spurs speakers like me to defend our civilization and everything it stands for.

Betsy continues: "Have we really reached the point when radical Islamicists at a university in the United States can try to prevent someone from speaking with a message condemning jihad and the murder of innocents in the name of Allah? If so, we have truly reached a sorry state."

Yes, and from the Ivy League to the Mid-America Conference, this country is not protecting the civil liberties of moderates, only of radicals.

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