Sunday, April 02, 2006

Book Review by Ideologue in NYT

Vertically-challenged Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich has one of those clueless book reviews only the NYT seems to churn out like junk food. Reviewing a book called "Fair Trade for All," Reich ends the review by noting:
they fail to acknowledge that within richer nations free trade is already disproportionately benefiting the best educated and best connected. The wealthy are growing much wealthier while the middle class is being squeezed. In fact, the adjustment mechanisms the authors find lacking in most developing economies — good public schools, modern infrastructure and adequate social safety nets — are coming to be less and less available even in America.

First: why the authors should treat affairs within rich nations' economies as a subject of a book on international trade is something the four-foot eleven-inch Berkeley prof doesn't address. Second, how is the middle class "being squeezed?" Third, why doesn't the good prof note that the public schools are being hyper-administered by a unionized mafia of dumbed-down teachers while parochial and private schools do much better education with much less money? Fourth, why does he start a diatribe on America's domestic "social safety nets" in a book review about fair trade? Could it be that this tiny professor's perspective is even smaller than his physical size?

Just more left-wing rubbish and nonsense from the ranting NYT, America's most rapidly declining MSM icon.

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