Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Friendly Fence, not a Berlin Wall

Steve Sailer has the most cogent idea on how to fix at least part of the Immigration enigma, the common-sensical obvious one staring everyone in the face:
The fence-couldn't-work meme: One of the strangest bits of conventional wisdom in the media is that no fence along the Mexican border could possibly work. These pronouncements are often made by people who have paid a lot of extra money to live in gated communities[my emphasis]. Within America, there are countless miles of high-security fences and walls around prisons, nuclear power plants, armories, warehouses, factories, target ranges, airports and the like. All in all, it works quite well. This isn't nanotechnology. It's something we know how to do.

Similarly, the Israelis have found their fences around the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to be quite effective at keeping out suicide bombers, who are, by definition, highly motivated. The Israeli economy is about 1/200th of ours, but they've succeeded in effectively fencing off a border about 1/10th as long as ours with Mexico. Here's a diagram of the Israeli fence.

Link to Steve's website for a Mechanics Illustrated schematic of what a fence would look like.

The continuing security threat of a porous open border with a violent, corrupt nation to the south with no real institutionalized rule of law [Have they found the drug cartel bosses who ordered the killing the RC Cardinal in Guadalajara yet?]vividly demonstrates the feckless nitwittery of those who regard this as a problem soluble by domestic "politics as usual" and especially those who condemn the rule of law in the USA as bigotry and prejudice.

The impeached perjorer whom GWB succeeded hasn't spoken out on this issue, but his loathesome spouse has begun to do the obligatory Clinton 180-U-Turn on immigration. Like Jacques Chirac, the Clintons combine poor judgment and lack of principle [opportunism] to a remarkable degree.

The patrician Republican Senators will predictably wring their hands while the House addresses the problem with sometimes overly-blunt insensitivity. The Democrats once again screwed the Republicans when the Senate Minority Leader backed out of the Compromise. You can almost bet that Bush, who has been batting .000 except for SCOTUS appointments [and he tried to botch that with Harriet Miers], will do the wrong thing by ignoring the obvious solution---a Fence and then deal with the 11 million lawbreakers already inside the USA.

Like his father, Bush is wobbly in the backbone department.

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