Saturday, April 22, 2006

CIA Leaker "Played by Rules" says NYT

The MSM has a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that it plays fast and loose with America's national security while it plays extremely tight with frivolous unimportant coups de pouce like the spurious specious Plame kerfuffle.

This is inadvertently [?]revealed by the headline today in America's most anti-American MSM outlet, the fast-and-loose-with-national-securityNew York Times which has the ridiculous headline: Colleagues Say C.I.A. Analyst Played by Rules leading one to ask: What rules?

It turns out that they may mean the "Sandy Berger" rules, which means stuffing your clothes with Top Secret documents from a National Archives viewing room. Or the "Bill Clinton" rules, which means that we shouldn't take Osama bin Laden from Sudan because our lawyers foresee all sorts of problems, so let's let them export him to Afghanistan. [The treasonous suspect McCarthy was already a member of the NSC for Warning at the time and would have been involved in making the determination.]

Yes, it is treason to hand over Top Secret info to major US outlets, whether the treasonous Pulitzer Committee, famous for giving a Journalism Prize to Walter Duranty, a traitor working for, who else? the NYT, back during the Stalin Purge Trials [Duranty bathed the vicious dictator in praise, exciting the Pulitzer Committee enough to give him one of their America-bashing awards]. Or maybe it is the "Colleagues" cited in the article, all of whom appear to have worked in the incompetent Clinton Administration, which fought terrorism with cruise missiles. Messrs Simon and the ubiquitous Bush-basher Johnson are hardly trustworthy character witnesses for the treasonous McCarthy.

The great news is that the whole "secret prisons" gambit may be a sting operation by the CIA to ensnare the Clintonista leak-brigade, a la the plumbers of long ago, and have caught a senior CIA functionary.

She should be prosecuted by the Justice Department with extreme prejudice, and never mind the MSM baying to the moon about her good intentions, and all that Frenchified girlie-man blather.

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